Maple and Python Comparison

Doron Zeilberger’s original Pisot.txt was implemented in the computer algebra system Maple. Maple has a very robust symbolic computation system, but its programming language is clunky. I have chosen to implement Pisot.txt in the programming language Python to enhance its readability and show that Maple (and its ilk) are not the only languages that can perform symbolic computation.

Python was designed to be a readable and general purpose language. Applications specific to mathematicians are not very general purpose, so symbolic computation is not a native feature of Python. Fortunately the library SymPy implements symbolic computation in Python and along with it most features found in Maple. By performing all of the “behind the scenes” calculation with SymPy, we obtain both the readability of Python and the symbolic power of Maple.

As a short example of the differences between Maple and Python, we will compare two snippets from Zeilberger’s Maple procedure Pis and the corresponding Python version. The procedure Pis computes the absolute value of the second largest root of the characteristic equation for a C-finite recurrence. As a part of this procedure, Zeilberger discards 1 if it is a root. If lu contains the roots, then the following Maple snippet accomplishes this task:

if member(1,lu) then
lu:=convert({op(lu)} minus {1},list):
if lu=[] then

Perhaps this is an obvious design pattern to an experienced Maple programmer, but to my eyes, there is a cognitive barrier between what we want to do (remove the root 1) and what is being done (convert a list to a set, perform set subtraction, and then converting the result back to a list).

If roots is a dictionary of roots, then in Python the same task can be accomplished as:

if 1 in roots:
    del roots[1]

if not roots:
    return None

The Python version communicates the intent of the code more clearly and without as many technical details.

Detailed Comparison

As an example of the differences between the two, let us compare the full implementations of Zeilberger’s Maple procedure Pis. His procedure is as follows:

#Pis(C): Inputs a C-finite sequence and outputs the absolute value of the second-largest root
#It is a Pisot number if it is less than 1.
Pis:=proc(C) local x,lu,i,aluf,mu:

if nops(lu)<>nops(C[1]) then

if member(1,lu) then
lu:=convert({op(lu)} minus {1},list):
if lu=[] then


for i from 2 to nops(lu) do
 if abs(evalf(lu[i]))>abs(evalf(lu[aluf])) then




Now, taking our implementation of cfinite.CFinite for granted, the Python implementation is as follows:

def pisot_root(c_seq):
    Compute the absolute value of the second-largest root of the characteristic
    equation for the C-finite sequence.

    :c_seq: :class:`.CFinite` instance.

    :returns: Floating point evaluation of the absolute value of the root, or

    roots = c_seq.characteristic_roots()
    n_roots = len(roots.keys())

    if n_roots !=
        return None

    if 1 in roots:
        del roots[1]

    if not roots:
        return None

    root_norms = [abs(root) for root in roots.keys()]
    root_norms = [ for norm in root_norms]

    max_index = root_norms.index(max(root_norms))
    del root_norms[max_index]

    return max(root_norms)

The procedures are about the same length, accounting for blank lines and comments.

The first feature is the documentation. Both versions document their inputs and outputs, but the Python version is written in a standard way that allows for automatic documentation generation. In fact, the documentation at pisot.pisot_root() is automatically generated, as is every other piece of documentation on this site.

The next part computes the roots of the characteristic polynomial. Maple:


Python (taking advantage of cfinite.CFinite.characteristic_roots()):

roots = c_seq.characteristic_roots()

Using Python’s classes, it is clear that the characteristic roots are a property of the C-finite sequence, and that these roots are what we are computing.

Next, we look to see if there are any repeated roots. This is true if the number of distinct roots is less than the degree of the sequence. Maple:

if nops(lu)<>nops(C[1]) then


n_roots = len(roots.keys())

if n_roots !=
    return None

The Maple version counts the number of coefficients in the C-finite sequence and calls this the degree. The structure of the Maple C-finite sequences is [[coeffs], [initials]], so it counts the number of elements in the first element of a nested list. The Python version, relying on the class cfinite.CFinite, simply asks for the sequence’s degree. Again, Python’s classes allow us to embed information into an object, rather than relying on its actual representation.