Pisot Documentation

Pisot sequences are a family of recursive sequences defined by

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} a_0 &= x \\ a_1 &= y \\ a_n &= \left\lfloor \frac{a_{n - 1}^2}{a_{n - 2}} + r \right\rfloor, \end{align}\end{split}\]

where \(0 < x < y\) are integers and \(r\) is some constant. These modules define procedures to work with Pisot sequences and determine whether or not they satisfy linear recurrence relations with constant coefficients. This work is a translation of Doron Zeilberger’s Maple package Pisot.txt, based on this article by Zeilberger and Neil Sloane. It is my hope that this Python implementation provides a more accessible example of the uses of symbolic computation in languages more general than Maple.

To use the package, ensure that SymPy is installed, then clone the GitHub project (via git clone https://github.com/rwbogl/pisot.git, or downloading a ZIP file from the page, etc.). On the terminal, navigate to the directory that pisot.py and cfinite.py are in, then open a Python terminal. After this, import the pisot module with import pisot or some variant. Then every function defined in pisot.py will be available as pisot.func_name.


The highlight of the package is pisot_to_cfinite(). Given a Pisot instance, it tries to determine whether or not it satisfies a linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients.


In [1]: import pisot

In [2]: from sympy import Rational

In [3]: p = pisot.Pisot(5, 17, Rational(1, 2))

In [4]: guess_terms = 10

In [5]: check_terms = 1000

In [6]: c = pisot.pisot_to_cfinite(p, guess_terms, check_terms)

In [7]: c
Out[7]: CFinite([5, 17], [4, -2])

In [8]: c.get_terms(10)
Out[8]: [5, 17, 58, 198, 676, 2308, 7880, 26904, 91856, 313616]

In [9]: p.get_terms(10)
Out[9]: [5, 17, 58, 198, 676, 2308, 7880, 26904, 91856, 313616]

Or, using the verbose flag:

In [10]: pisot.pisot_to_cfinite(p, guess_terms, check_terms, verbose=True)
The Pisot sequence E_{1/2}(5, 17), whose first few terms are
    [5, 17, 58, 198, 676, 2308, 7880, 26904, 91856, 313616],
appears to satisfy the C-finite recurrence CFinite([5, 17], [4, -2]) whose first few terms are
    [5, 17, 58, 198, 676, 2308, 7880, 26904, 91856, 313616],

The absolute value of the second-largest root of the C-finite sequence is 0.585786437626905 <= 1.
Therefore our conjecture holds.
Out[10]: CFinite([5, 17], [4, -2])

In [11]: p = pisot.Pisot(8, 16, Rational(1, 2))

In [12]: pisot.pisot_to_cfinite(p, guess_terms, check_terms, verbose=True)
The Pisot sequence E_{1/2}(8, 16), whose first few terms are
    [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096],
appears to satisfy the C-finite recurrence CFinite([8], [2]) whose first few terms are
    [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096],

This C-finite sequence looks like a geometric sequence, so this is easier to check.
The conjecture holds if x divides y; the guessed ratio equals y / x; and r is in [0, 1).

We already know that r satisfies this.
The conjectured geometric sequence has ratio 2.

The ratio is an integer and equals y / x, so our conjecture holds.
Out[12]: CFinite([8], [2])


We define the classes pisot.Pisot and cfinite.CFinite. These inherit from SeqBase, so they are fully-fledged sequences that can be used in SymPy. The classes encapsulate some important operations and properties of C-finite and Pisot sequences, namely:

Indices and tables